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Hey there!
If you landed on this page, you probably just arrived to the Sesquidistus and are looking for some information about:
- getting a membership card,
- being informed of everything going on in the club (tournament, championship, party, …),
- understanding the organization of the club,
- getting in touch with the guys in charge.
I. Getting a Membership Card
First thing to do is to get a membership card. We just need a couple of information:
- Fill the information sheet online.
- Have your doctor fill the medical certificate. Do no forget to ask for the RPPS number to appear on the certificate. If your doctor is abroad, the english version of the certificate is here. Scan the certificate in PDF.
- Take a nice ID picture. You can also take a selfie with your phone in front of a neutral background.
- Send these documents (certificate and picture) to Benoît by e-mail. The certificate MUST be in PDF format.
- Pay Titi the membership fee (player = 95€, U20 or U17 = 85€, leisure = 75€). A bank transfer is possible on the club bank account (IBAN).
The leisure membership opens training and friendly tournament. The player one adds the federal championship and the tournaments to prepare these championship. Note that players of all level can get a player membership. You can first take a leisure membership and switch to a player one during the year.
II. The Communication Means
We have several means of communication, for different usage:
- The mailing list: you need to subscribe to get some information from the Comité Sportif and the Comité Directeur. To subscribe, send an e-mail to [email protected].
- The Google Docs to sign on to tournaments and championship. Feel free to add your name in any of the column you are interested in!
- The calendar on the website to see the date and place of the trainings, tournaments and championships.
- The Facebook page to keep yourself informed of the new of the club.
- The Facebook group of the Sesquidistus players. Search for « joueurs.euses sesquidistus » on Facebook.
III. The Guys in Charge
The club have two committees to oversee the smooth running of the trainings, tournaments and administrative part.
Comité Sportif (CS)
The Comité Sportif is made of 4 players elected during the yearly general assembly. Its main roles are:
- handling training;
- register teams to federal championship and tournaments;
- select players for championship based on the objectives settled with the Comité Directeur;
Comité Directeur (CD)
The Comité Directeur is made of 4 players including a president, a treasurer, and a secretary. Their main prerogative is administrative stuff.
Other Information
Ultimate is a self-refereed sport. It can be useful to have a look at the rules of ultimate. The french federation realized a summary in 10 points of the rules. The complete rules are here.
V. Contact
For any questions, here are the way to contact us:
- Trainings: Comité Sportif
- Webmaster: Titi
- Mailing list: Titi
- CS: [email protected]
- CD: [email protected]